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Sony is hiring for Data Science Intern Role | Apply Now any graduate jobs internships latest jobs non technical jobs technical jobs work from home jobs
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FyerX is hiring for Business Development Intern Role | Apply Now Analyst any graduate jobs Business fresher internships latest jobs non technical jobs part-time jobs work from home jobs
NxtWave is hiring for Business Development Associate | Telugu Speaking | Apply Now any graduate jobs latest jobs non technical jobs technical jobs work from home jobs
any graduate jobs latest jobs non technical jobs work from home jobs Vidhey April 8, 2024 0 Comments Part time jobs in Telugu | Freelancer jobs | Work From Home | Testbook jobs in Telugu | V the Techee TEST BOOK JOB JOB ROLE1: Freelancer Tele Counselor JOB ROLE1: Telugu Typist Intern Location - PART TIME , WORK FROM HOME JOB DESCRIPTION: FOR TELE COUNCELORYou need to Counsel potential Students over a call to inform them about a product and help them in making better career decisions.You need to Answer questions about our products or the companyYou need to Any domestic outbound or tele sales experience requiredYou are Responsible for making outbound calls and regular follow up on leads assigned.You need to Selling Membership over the phoneYou need to Explaining the product features in detail and how to use the packages.You need to Providing the right customer experience.FOR TELUGU TYPIST :As a Data Entry and DTP operator, you would be working closely with the content team and would be majorly responsible for typing.Who have Minimum speed (15-20 wpm), Maths/Chemical equations typing knowledge,Symbols shortcut keys knowledge. Education Required: 12TH PASSDIPLOMAANY DEGREE Skills Required: You will need to Have excellent communication skills – both written and oralYou will need to Demonstrate strong organizational skills and structured thinking abilities Understand and Speak Elementary Hindi Language.Minimum Age Requirement is 18+.Superb verbal communication. Ability to switch your communication style on a whim. Superb interpersonal, research, and record-keeping skillsYou will need to Be proficient in Word/PowerPoint/Excel – working knowledge of MS offiCE SALARY:15,000 per month expected TELE COUNSELOR APPLY LINK TELUGU TYPIST APPLY LINK HOW TO CREATE YOUR RESUME HOW TO CREATE NAUKRI.COM PROFILE HOW TO CREATE LINKEDIN PROFILE
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